Statement on hygiene and cleaning protocol
Dear guest,
We take standards for hygiene and cleanliness very seriously and are taking steps to ensure the safety of our guests and associates. Hotel Heritage has been closely monitoring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization statements regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19). On a daily basis, our hotel is working to ensure that they meet the latest guidelines on hygiene and cleaning. Our hotel’s health and safety measures are designed to address a broad spectrum of bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19, and include everything from handwashing hygiene and cleaning product specifications to guest room and common area cleaning procedures.
Specific steps Hotel Heritage is taking include:
Hand Hygiene
Proper and frequent handwashing is vital to help combat the spread of viruses.
In our daily meetings, our teams are reminded that cleanliness starts with this simple act. It’s important for their health and that of our guests. You will find dispensers with disinfecting gel in all hotel areas, in the restaurant and in the room.

Social distance and face masks
- Face masks: The entire team at Hotel Heritage is constantly wearing facemasks to protect our guests. At the same time social dinstance is guaranteed at any time during check-in, check-out, breakfast, dinner… Guests are obliged to wear facemasks in the hotel at any time except in the room or when seated in the bar or restaurant.
- Valet parking: While taking care of your car on arrival and departure, our team is wearing face masks and their hands are disinfected before and after parking to eliminate any possibility of infection. Car keys will also be desinfected in our UV-Sterilization boxes.
- Restaurant: The number of tables in the restaurant are limited in order to follow the regulations regarding social distancing. Table reservations can only be honoured when made in advance and availability is limited.
Cleaning procedures
- Guest rooms: Only 60% rooms can be occupied at the moment so we can assure you that each room is aired for at least 24 hours after use. We use strict cleaning and disinfecting protocols with particular attention paid to high-touch items including light switches and door handles. An additional highly efficient sterilization is conducted using UV-C light.
- Public Spaces: Our hotel has increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting in public spaces, with a special focus on the counter at the front desk, elevators (and elevator buttons), door handles, public bathrooms and even room key cards. An additional highly efficient sterilization is conducted using UV-C light.
- Back of House: In the spaces where associates work “behind the scenes,” hotels are increasing the frequency of cleaning and focusing on high-touch areas like associate entrances, locker room, laundry rooms and staff offices.
- Fitness and wellness facilities: The fitness and wellness facilites are meticulously cleand before and after each use. Sauna is open but steam bath is closed until further notice regarding the current measures. An additional highly efficient sterilization is conducted using UV-C light.

Real time information
Each guest is questioned during check-in. This information is registered so that we are provided for every possible situation. The Hotel Heritage management team is on standby 24/7 and will monitor the latest news and information to prepare for and respond to COVID-19 if needed, and to support the hotel and its staff and guests.
If we are alerted to a case of COVID-19 at our hotel, we immediately work with the relevant health authorities to obtain the facts and guidance on steps to take with both guests and associates. We undertake an additional cleaning and disinfecting protocol of the common areas of the hotel as well as the areas we know the guest has been during their stay.
In addition, the hotel seals the guest’s room (e.g., preventing entry by staff or others) and undertakes a room recovery protocol that is designed to disinfect everything in the room including sanitizing the air.
UV Sterilization
All surfaces are sterilized with UV-light. As UV light penetrates through the cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane of a microorganism that is in the water while it flows through the unit, it causes a molecular rearrangement of the microorganism’s DNA, which prevents it from reproducing. If the cell cannot reproduce, it is considered dead or “inactivated”.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
We take standards for hygiene and cleanliness very serious and are taking steps to ensure the safety of our guests and associates. You can check our entire policy above.